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Mission Moments: Kate’s Newfound Confidence

After years of substance use and toxic relationships, Kate lost her job, lost her driver’s license and, worst of all, the ability to raise her children. Feeling isolated and worthless, Kate used substances to numb her pain.

The cycle of shame and drug use led Kate to the edge of homelessness. She felt like she had nowhere to go. But then, she found Fora Health. At Fora, she received compassion, care and time to get out of the cycles she kept repeating!

“In my addiction, I couldn’t see the light of the day.
I’d use [drugs and alcohol] and then I would feel ashamed for using.”

Kate participated in classes to help her manage communication with others and build routines. She also used chiropractic massage to help her start her recovery journey!

With her counselors, Kate could practice skills she’d lost in life, like connecting with peers and fueling her creative side through painting. Little by little, she started believing in herself and gaining strategies to maintain sobriety. One day she fantasized about how good it would feel to use again – but with her newfound skills from Fora Health, Kate chose recovery!

She is enjoying the gift of sobriety through new friendships and pursuing work in the healthcare field. Most importantly, now she can be present for her kids!

“The most important thing for me is to watch my kids’ journey in life. Now, I get to be here for them – whether it’s good or bad – I get to see them through that.”