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Mission Moments: Aaron’s New Future

Through the generosity of donors, patients find compassionate, exceptional alcohol and drug treatment at Fora Health. We recently sat down with Aaron, a residential graduate, who said his time at Fora was “the best 147 days I’ve had in the last ten years of my life.”

In his alcoholism, Aaron felt shame and guilt, estranging him from his friends and family. After years of use and experiencing life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, Aaron knew he needed to pursue residential treatment! At Fora Health, he found a sense of community with other patients who kept him accountable and encouraged him to try new things.

In the beginning, Aaron was scared of the unknown. But his roommate at Fora made him feel welcomed and helped him see the benefits of residential and how recovery was possible. Aaron eventually returned the favor to others; joining peer leadership and supporting his fellow patients through their own journeys.

“It’s an amazing feeling to help someone. I want to become a therapist or counselor one day.”

During his time at Fora Health, Aaron began implementing three core life lessons Patience. Putting in 100% of the effort to create the life you want. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and ask for help.

Aaron felt overwhelmed by his achievement and grateful for his care team when he graduated. Most importantly, Aaron is working towards long-term life goals and finds more joy in life’s smaller details than he did before coming to Fora Health:

In this season of giving, your generosity has the power to transform lives and help families find healing and hope. Give today: