Fora Health will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of the Presidents’ Day holiday. Services will continued to be provided for the Residential and Withdrawal Management (Detox) patients in our care, however we will not admit to any programs, provide outpatient services, and our lobbies are closed.
Current Patients
Tele-Counseling Instructions
Please make sure you read through the tele-counseling instructions document for detailed instructions on how to access your scheduled sessions. De Paul uses the Microsoft Teams platform for all tele-counseling sessions. We chose Microsoft Teams to ensure confidential and secure sessions. You will need to be sure to download Microsoft Teams before the start of your tele-counseling session. The following information will help you set up your phone, tablet, or computer for your tele‐counseling sessions. In order to have a tele-video session, you must be using a device that has a webcam. Many laptops come installed with webcams and all smartphones and tablets have cameras that can act as webcams.